By Any Other Name

I chose to do this ds106 assignment. It seemed like fun, and everyone else seemed to be having a blast with it. I admit, I didn’t want to be left out of all the fun. So, I followed the steps.

First, I input the random wiki link in, and ended up here. This gave me the title of my band. Congratulations, I was now a part of the STS-5. It was a rather exciting moment for me.

Then, I clicked this link and found my album title. The quote was The things we know best are the things we haven’t been taught, said by Marquis de Vauvenargues. This, of course, meant that my album was Things We Haven’t Been Taught. Alright, I was down with that. To the next step!

I needed my album cover. It was very important, you see. So I went to this link, and got this image, by Silver Velvet.

Now, to put it all together! I went here, and found out that the site was closing. But not yet, so I wasn’t to be stopped! I fiddled with colors, and sharpness, and had a great amount of fun. I added my band name, and the album title, and saved the image. I proceeded to upload it to Imgur (because I like it there), and then I wandered right back here to post it to show to you all.

This can be found here.

To clarify: none of this is mine. I played with the picture, but it does not belong to me. I just want to make sure credit is given where credit it due. After all, if I didn’t, not only would I feel like a horrible, horrible person, but Nana might rawr at me. And I have to live with her.

Have a wonderful day.


2 comments on “By Any Other Name

  1. Each time a see another great version of this assignment, such as yours here, I want to try my hand at it. I love the way random items can be pulled together into something that is new and interesting.

    I love the way you documented your process on this post. Keep up the good work.

  2. Pingback: Daniel Gunkel: What Makes Great Art? | CIS 0835 – SP12

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