Catspaw — The Wanderings of a Rat

I chose to do this ds106 assignment. See, the moment I saw it, I knew exactly what I wanted to do for it.


This is my beanie-baby rat, Tip-Toe. Well, actually, he’s my dad’s. Mom bought the family beanie-babies in the form of our zodiac signs. However, as we have a cat, we had to hide the poor stuffed animals from him. Somehow, this evolved into a rather odd version of hide-and-go-seek — and the next thing we knew, we had a collection of rats.

In any case. Tip-Toe came along with my on my White Day date. The three of us had a lot of fun together. First, we got some food.



Both meals were delightful, in case you were wondering. Somehow the two of us ended up at Yoshinoya — odd mostly because we’d never been before. However, they happened to have a particularly pretty picture out, and we were lured inside. Figures, huh?

And then, we looked out the window.

Across the street there was this karaoke place. I don’t really like it all that much, but she wanted to go, and so, well. Suddenly I found myself perching on a couch, flicking through songs.


Tip-Toe, of course, joined us.

After that we ended up going home and eating cheese. Sadly, Tip-Toe didn’t get to eat any, but never fear — the cheese was definitely enjoyed.


2 comments on “Catspaw — The Wanderings of a Rat

  1. You’re making me miss my rats 😦

    I left the US as an owner of two rats. They were amazing creatures and very intelligent, loved having them on my shoulders around the house.

    Sadly though they died in the year+ that I’ve been in Japan. And now I’m sad 😦 But good assignment.

  2. Hilarious. Great story about your dad’s rat. I enjoyed the photos but my neck is sore from turning my head sideways to look at two of them. Is it possible to rotate the photos?

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